Applying for a grant

Instructions for applying for a grant
In the 2025 grant application round, in addition to the regular grants, one larger project grant of €100,000 can be awarded to an excellent application in ophthalmological or gastroenterological diseases
In addition, one or more grants from UUMU ry.’s Raimo Sydänmaa Fund, totaling up to €8,000, are also available. The grant can be awarded for liver research.
The application form and the mandatory attachments are filled in the online application system. The Foundation does not process mailed in applications. Only the applications that have been sent to the Foundation before the end of the application call will be considered.
Please attach an academic CV and an max. two page long research plan to the application. The attachments should present the applicants prior activities and stage of career as a researcher, prior publications and project budget. Publications should not be attached to the applications.
The applications is filled once also when a larger research group is applying for a grant. To the application should be attached a CV of all members of the research team. The contact person (PI) of the research team should be named in the application.
Please present the central aims, methods as well as the expected results and possible applications of the research in the application.
The application shall be sent through the online application system before the deadline of the application call.
One or more persons giving a recommendation can be named in the application. An automatic email is sent to the named persons where they are asked to write in a letter of recommendation to the Foundation. The deadline for all recommendations is always 7 days after the end of the open call. The email will not be sent to the recommendation givers before the application is sent to the Foundation.
Late applications or recommendations will not be considered in the evaluation of the applications.
Applications are done in the Foundation’s online application system:
The Foundation’s agent will answer all questions regarding the application process:
Sebastian Lindberg