
Purpose of grants and supported fields
The Mary and Georg C. Ehrnrooth Foundation promotes medical research in ophthalmological and gastroenterological diseases. The Foundation’s purpose is fulfilled by awarding grants to researchers and research groups in the two fields.
The grants are awarded on the Foundation’s anniversary 5 May, the birthday of Mary Ehrnrooth (b. Beckman).
Grants are awarded in three categories:
- Grants for doctoral dissertations
- Post doc grants
- Project grants for larger research projects for 1–3 years up to 100 000 € annually (the open call is not organized every year)
An application can be sent to the Foundation’s annual open call for grants. The application time is announced on the Foundation’s website.
The grants are awarded from the income of the Foundation’s estate. Approximately half a million euros is awarded in grants annually.
The Foundation’s agent will answer all questions regarding grants: